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December 12, 2020May 15, 2022 fiddletwix
Misc. Articlesbook of shadows, corpse party, game, horror, Note: I don't plan on reviewing many đoạn phim games or visual novels. I was just particularly interested in this franchise., review, video game, visual novel, yeah this series isn't exactly in the holiday spirit but I wanted lớn get this out.
Bạn đang xem: Corpse party: book of shadows
Note: I am not a đoạn clip game reviewer, so forgive my terrible format & analysis as a game. Thank you.
Recently, I reviewed the anime Corpse Party: Tortured Souls for Animating Halloween, and it got me wanting to play some of the other Corpse party games since I really hadn’t played any of them besides the first game and basically a retooled version of the first game…again. A good place to start from there appeared to lớn be Corpse Party: Book of Shadows since that was a direct sequel to the original trò chơi (though, again, remade again).
So I played through the whole thing và I’m uhm…..Kinda…confused.
The trò chơi isn’t really a sequel so much as it is a pre-mid-sequel. And that’s strange because the cutscene that plays each time you load the game is directly following the events of the first game (in one of the Wrong Ends – 6*8, which leads the Kisaragi students through a time loop of the events of Heavenly Host.) Naomi is near catatonic, và her mother is distraught because she keeps talking about her ‘imaginary’ friend, Seiko, when Seiko’s existence was wiped from the earth after dying in Heavenly Host. It’s basically a longer version of what we got at the end of Tortured Souls.
Each episode covers a different story. No episode intersects with another nor is there any cohesion in creating an overall plot. It’s just a lot of different stories bundled together.
Episode One: Seal
The first episode does pickup where the opening cutscene left off, kinda. Naomi did suffer from a breakdown due lớn the events of the first game and is desperately trying khổng lồ cope with the fact that her best friend & love interest, Seiko, is not only dead, but her existence was wiped from the world. However, that’s just a blip at the beginning. The real story is about the time loop the characters are currently in.
The Wrong kết thúc that they’re basing this game off of involves several of the characters surviving the events of Heavenly Host và leaving, but, tragically, they find themselves caught in a time loop. They are damned to suffer the events of Heavenly Host over and over for all eternity.
How vì chưng you build a story out of this type of ending?
Well….You don’t, really.
Much of the story shows what happened with Naomi and Seiko before the events of the first game. They enjoyed their first ever sleepover together và bonded more. Naomi notices a strange bruise forming on Seiko’s neck, but they don’t think much of it.
Then, when they get khổng lồ school the following day, the events of the first trò chơi start to transpire. The one difference is that Satoshi starts freaking out when Ayumi brings up the Sachiko Ever After ritual. He panics và says it’s a horrible idea because, somehow, Satoshi is the only one who has memories of Heavenly Host right now. He explains that they’re in a time loop, but doesn’t actually convey any important information or try khổng lồ destroy the paper doll or anything. Instead, he just flips and resigns himself to lớn doing the ritual so he can at least help try to vì chưng something in Heavenly Host.
Satoshi, by the way, never gets his own story in this game. He gets a minor role in episode three & that’s the kết thúc of his role in this trò chơi entirely.
Naomi has been experiencing some instances of deja vu, but she’s not bothered enough by it to lớn listen to Satoshi’s words, thus they’re all set to lớn Heavenly Host.
Once everything is set into motion, Naomi starts getting more of her memories back, và she remembers that Seiko died via hanging in the girls’ bathroom. She becomes determined to lớn save Seiko from that fate.
I became quite intrigued when this occurred because I thought the game would be about redoing the events but the survivors regain their memories and try to save the ones who canonically died in the first game.
That is not what happened.
Well, okay, that’s not true.
That’s kinda what happens, but in a horrible, horrible way.
Naomi does save Seiko from being hanged, but she forgot one key detail of Seiko’s death in the first game. Naomi was actually Seiko’s killer. Naomi had succumbed to lớn something called the darkening, which is basically a dark influence the school has on its inhabitants over time that worsens with negative thoughts, feelings và witnessing stuff like dead bodies, gore và ghosts. While Naomi was in her darkened state, she hanged Seiko in the bathrooms, but she also completely forgot about it. She later has lớn face what she had done & make amends with Seiko’s spirit to không tính phí herself from the darkening and leave the school.
When Naomi saves Seiko from the noose, Seiko flips out at seeing the girl who tried khổng lồ kill her và runs off.
Let me back up a tad and explain that, earlier, I had khổng lồ disable a piano wire trap in order lớn pass through certain sections of the school. One wire could not be cut, & it was a neck-height wire on the stairs.
Guess what Seiko runs into.
Yup, she’s instantly beheaded by the piano wire, much khổng lồ Naomi’s horror. Sachiko explains what this time loop actually is. While it is technically a time loop where everything happens exactly the same, there are some circumstances where the people will regain their memories và try khổng lồ stop those who died from meeting their ultimate fates. She explains that this is not only pointless – it’s actually ill-advised and horrible for those who died. If these people are saved from what initially killed them, the school will actually devise a way for them khổng lồ die anyway in a manner that is similar to their initial death but certainly worse.
IE, Seiko originally died via hanging & now she died via beheading, and both involved the mark on her neck.
I’m not sure I agree with that, though, because I think slowly suffocating while hanging and knowing your best friend – the girl you’re in love with – put you there is worse than being quickly beheaded on accident. I get that the latter is bloodier, but still.
The over of the episode is Naomi cradling Seiko’s disembodied head as she mourns the loss of her best friend once more.
What we have established here is, for any episode involving a character who canonically died in the first game, there is no saving them whatsoever. And if they vì chưng get ‘saved’ it’s only so they can suffer a worse fate, so why even try? I thought this would be a continuing problem throughout the game, but it really wasn’t – and not for the reasons you might think.
Episode Two: Demise
The aforementioned problem shines brilliantly in this episode as we follow Mayu, who was the first khổng lồ die in the original game. She became a wall sloppy joe via the three children ghosts. Now that the loop is occurring, she has spotty memories of that happening. She has a very foreboding bruise on her stomach that branches outward, and she spends a good chunk of the episode being concerned about it, but tries lớn ignore it.
This episode did give us a really nice moment between Ayumi và Yoshiki, ending up in the two of them embracing and even falling asleep on each other, so that was really nice, but the niceness ends there.
Also, this is the only episode in which Ayumi & Yoshiki show up (well, technically Ayumi shows up later, but I’ll get to that.) so we don’t learn much else about their stories, which kinda makes sense because they both canonically survived. Also, despite Ayumi’s heightened spiritual powers, neither she nor Yoshiki has any memories of Heavenly Host, so I guess they’d just vì pretty much the same things they did before, barring this one part with Mayu since she died long before anyone else came into liên hệ with her.
Mayu and Yoshiki also rescue a girl from another school named Nana, who has similarly foreboding bruises in the forms of straight crisscrossing lines on her thighs, even though, as far as I know, she never died from that. (In the first game, she dies from having her tongue ripped out.)
Nana is in some weird trap involving her being tied to a bust on a desk. The bust is tied lớn a bucket of sharp items over her head. If she flails too much or if someone tries lớn save her recklessly, the bucket will fall and she’ll surely die from the wounds. I have no clue why she’s in this trap or who put her in it. I’d assume it was Yoshikazu, but for what purpose? Why not just kill her where she stands lượt thích he killed everyone else? Also, her original death couldn’t have been retconned khổng lồ the bucket thing because then she’d have bruises all over her face, right? I just don’t understand this trap.
Anyway, the bruises get worse the closer a character is to lớn their time of dying. Nana’s get noticeably worse and, when she goes off by herself to lớn try và find her friends – alone, because she’s a dumbass – she gets caught by Yoshikazu. When he finds her, we discover why she has bruises on her thighs – Yoshikazu smashed her legs off with his giant hammer. Not sure if this is canonical either because, despite the certainty that something must’ve happened lớn her legs in her first death, the bruises were clean lines, which wouldn’t happen if her legs were smashed off.
That’s not even her cause of death anyway. Yes, this really, really awful injury doesn’t kill her, which just makes this death sequence all the more horrific. Mayu is forced to lớn just sit there & watch as Yoshikazu drags Nana away as she’s screaming for help because Mayu knows Nana’s probably as good as dead anyway, & Mayu would never survive trying to go against Yoshikazu. Nana’s actual death scene comes in a different episode.
Seeing Nana get her legs lopped off lượt thích that did make Mayu significantly more concerned about her own situation. She dared to check up on her own bruises, which had gotten drastically darker in color. She even started getting one on her face. Mayu starts panicking because she knows what’s coming và is quickly realizing she won’t be able to lớn avoid it.
Now, at this point, I was wondering how the hell you could make Mayu’s death worse. The poor girl was flung into a wall at like 60 MPH & exploded into a mass of unrecognizable guts và gore. How could that be made worse?
Well, Sachiko found a way. Mayu is cornered in the infirmary, a place she should have been avoiding anyway because that’s where the ghosts of the children initially started influencing her before they killed her. Her bruises get so bad that they start bleeding. Sachiko brings in the ghosts of the children to lớn give her a fate worse that her original one, which is being slowly ripped apart by the bare hands of the ghosts.
Yup….yup…that’s definitely worse. As if that wasn’t bad enough, we still play as Mayu as she dies. You know the instant she passes on. It’s pretty heartbreaking.
This episode did a good job in making me care more about Mayu, but she’s still a pretty bland character. She has a love of theater, loves Morishige và is good at covering a wide range of jobs. She’s also very kind and sweet. I appreciate them giving Mayu more of a role in this game since she was pretty much just there khổng lồ be the first shock death in the original game. You’d think they would’ve done more for her character originally since she was the main reason they did the Sachiko Ever After ritual, but nah.
Episode Three: Encounter
Now we’re into full prequel territory. This episode focuses on Yui Shishido, the teacher of the class that gets sent to lớn Heavenly Host. I believe it’s the day before the events of Corpse buổi tiệc nhỏ go down. She’s horrendously sick, and Satoshi, through a lot of convoluted writing, ends up taking care of her in her home since she’s completely out of it. As Yui slumbers, she thinks back khổng lồ when she was a student in Kisaragi Academy. She had always aspired to be a teacher, and her dream was finally becoming a reality.
She had a crush on a guy named Tsukasa, who became a close friend to lớn her as they neared graduation.
One day, she’s approached by an old woman in the pouring rain who tries to lớn warn her of the dangers of Kisaragi Academy. She told her to not go to school that day & even tried to give her a paper charm lớn protect her. Yui, ultimately, cannot heed her warnings because she had an important interview at school that day. The woman, who turns out to be Makina Shinozaki, Sachiko’s great aunt, collapses in the rain and Yui is forced to leave her mother and the paramedics khổng lồ care for Makina as she goes to school. Everything with the interview goes well, but Makina dies while Yui is at school.
Later that night, Yui rushes back to lớn school to lớn retrieve Tsukasa’s special lucky pencil. However, as midnight approaches, she’s reminded of an old ghost story her friends were telling her about, which is the story of Yoshie, Sachiko’s mother. She haunts the school at night, & her friends thought Yoshie might target Yui specifically since she wants to be a teacher và Yoshie was a school nurse.
Sure enough, weird things start happening in the school, và Yui gets targeted by Yoshie’s spirit. With the help of Tsukasa và the spirit of Makina, Yui is able khổng lồ escape, though she does still experience great pain in her arm after Yoshie tried to lớn crush it. This whole event is played off lượt thích it was a dream. They suggest that Yui fell unconscious after getting khổng lồ the school & just imagined everything that happened, but she still had a severe pain in her arm that couldn’t be explained. In the end, it’s rather sweet because she holds hands with Tsukasa in the light of the sunrise. However, we never learn what became of Tsukasa after they graduated.
Sadly, when Yui wakes up and speaks with Satoshi, we see that she has a big bruise on her arm, which is poking at the fact that her arm was crushed under the cabinet before she died in Heavenly Host. This is the only episode where Yui has a role, so we’re basically left khổng lồ assume that she’s barreling towards death in the time loop too. Luckily, we don’t have khổng lồ watch that here.
This is definitely the best episode in the game. I love Yui, & it was nice khổng lồ see her get a sweet và happy backstory, even if she is destined for a horrible, albeit still noble and the least gratuitous of the bunch, death. I wish she ended up with Tsukasa. He was a sweetheart, và I would’ve liked her lớn have all the happiness in the world if she was just going lớn be wiped from existence later.
Episode Four: Purgatory
Focusing on Naho’s friend, Sayaka, it’s basically just a retelling of Naho’s story with lots of filler put into it. Naho is a perfectly normal girl until Kou went khổng lồ Heavenly Host without her – then she just goes off the deep end, sacrificing her best friend, Sayaka, so she could go after him, và putting up the wrong instructions for the Sachiko Ever After ritual on her blog so more people would wind up in Heavenly Host as ‘samples’ for Kou to study. It’s a complete 180 that comes out of nowhere. Maybe she just snapped because she thought she lost Kou already, but there is seriously nothing properly leading up to lớn this sudden change in behavior. I’d say maybe it was Sachiko’s influence since her presence was following her before this happened, but I can’t be certain. I’ve never seen an instance of darkening outside of Heavenly Host.
After they enter Heavenly Host, it’s just a waiting trò chơi until Sayaka dies. I say this not only because Sayaka is canonically dead in the first game, long before the group ever shows up, but also because the very first scene is of her being attacked by Yoshikazu. The rest of the episode is a flashback showing how she reached this point.
The very last scene did make me a little sad for her because that was a terrible way to lớn go out, & Sachiko was a total bitch. Like many others in Heavenly Host, she was starting to die anyway since she spent days wandering around the school with no food or water. In the original game, she dies from succumbing to the darkening. In this game, she nearly does so but is then caught by Yoshikazu & beaten to lớn death with his sledgehammer.
Oh & as some added misery, we witness Nana dying via getting her tongue ripped out. That poor girl can’t catch a break. It was a horrible scene to lớn sit through….
Episode Five: Shangri-La
This episode follows Morishige throughout his time in Heavenly Host. I found this episode lớn be the most pointless because not only does he pretty much not vì anything we don’t already know he was doing, but it doesn’t even follow his story khổng lồ the end. He never finds out that this ‘beautiful’ ripped apart corpse he finds is Mayu, and he doesn’t even have any bruises on his face to lớn indicate he’s going to lớn smash his face into a window và kill himself in grief over her death & the realization he’s been defiling her corpse this entire time. His last lines are talking about how he’s going to lớn just hide his corpse pictures when he gets back to the regular world instead of deleting them lượt thích he was planning to lớn do.
Out of all of the characters who died, he’s the one I most wouldn’t mind seeing die again, but nope.
He also runs into some characters from Byakudan Senior High School, but he doesn’t really affect their story that much, other than freaking them out because he’s so creepy around corpses.
There’s an alternate ending that you have to lớn get by going back once the episode is cleared. This ending shows Yuuya killing Fukuroi and Mitsuki, but that’s pretty much it.
Episode Six: Mire
Okay, here’s where things get a little more confusing. I thought this entire game was following the events of the Wrong end 6*8 (The time loop ending) but apparently that’s wrong. This episode takes place during the events of Wrong over 2*4, where basically everyone barring Ayumi either dies or succumbs lớn the darkening, leaving Ayumi alone and stranded in Heavenly Host because she has no one to bởi the ritual with. In regards khổng lồ this episode in particular, this is the ending where both Yuka & Yuuya die – so most of it is stuff you’d already know if you got that ending. I never got that ending, so it was new for me, but if you did get it you’d be simply going through the motions.
We see Yuka after she’s been separated from Satoshi (Which should have been an indicator right there that we weren’t in the time loop because, if Satoshi was dumb enough khổng lồ let Yuka go off on her own again when he clearly has a good chunk of his memories, he’s too dumb lớn live.) She’s about lớn be killed by Yuuya, but her kindness causes him lớn have a breakdown. She then narrowly escapes Sachiko và Yoshikazu, not seeing Sachiko before fleeing due to a blackout.
She then gets shifted to the abandoned bomb shelter area where she comes face to lớn face with Sachiko and decides to be kind lớn her since she seems khổng lồ be a nice spirit, not realizing who Sachiko really is. Sachiko asks if Yuka will bởi vì anything for her, & Yuka, taking a big sisterly type of role, says she will. Then Sachiko starts requesting things from her. She wants her socks because her feet are cold. She wants her shoes because her feet hurt. & she wants her hairpin because her hair keeps getting in her eyes. You’re finally given a decision in whether or not khổng lồ listen lớn Sachiko’s requests at this point. You can either tell her she can’t have the hairpin or give it to her. Either way, Yuka dies, but the proper ending is obtained by giving the hairpin to Sachiko, which causes Yuka lớn start falling under the forces of the darkening. She starts giving Sachiko literally whatever she wants without question, even if she really doesn’t want to.
For example, Sachiko wants Yuka’s hair, & she obtains this by ripping her scalp nearly clean off with her bare hands. Yuka still goes on acting like this is normal, though internally she’s panicking. Sachiko asks for one more thing – her life. Yuka agrees. Yoshikazu then drops by khổng lồ bludgeon Yuka in the head with his sledgehammer, killing her.
…..So…yeah this episode was also pretty pointless. All it served to vày was show us more proof that Yuka is this innocent little kind angel girl before viciously caving in her head with a hammer.
Granted, it did also show us some of Yuuya’s backstory, which can be summed up in ‘He’s always been a psychopath.’ We get a flashback lớn Yuuya as a child. The first thing he does of lưu ý is viciously beat up another child & laugh about it. Then he’s basically disowned by his family, though his big brother and sister still seem khổng lồ care about him. Even then, Yuuya’s still a psycho. He kills ‘an animal’ (they never specify what it was) and thinks it’s funny, he gets into a fist fight with his older brother, and he just generally acts lượt thích an asshole. He eventually started pretending he was a decent guy in order khổng lồ fit in while secretly not giving a crap about anyone but himself.
He did, however, say he wanted a little brother or sister to see how his older siblings viewed him, which is where Yuka came in.
In this version, Yuuya kinda-ish turns good before he’s murdered by Yoshikazu, but there’s really no redeeming this guy so I didn’t care. Probably a mistake putting this episode right after the one in which, in the secret ending, he viciously stabs two of his friends lớn death. One of which, he actually gets pissed because she wouldn’t scream for him lượt thích he wanted. I know the darkening has some weight here, but you just confirmed he was a psychopathic murderer even before he came lớn Heavenly Host, so I don’t know what you want from me.
Episode Seven: Tooth
The final episode is a midquel khổng lồ the first trò chơi in which we follow Tohko. I think I saved Naomi in the first game so I never got Tohko’s part. Though, according to what I read, that path just leads lớn a bad kết thúc anyway.
Tohko is one of several people from Byakudan Senior High School who is lost in Heavenly Host at the same time as the Kisaragi group. Yuuya is one of these students, and Tohko has a bit of a crush on him.
The story starts out with a little backstory on how they wound up doing the Sachiko Ever After ritual (though why they included Kai, a guy they all pretty much hate, I’ll never know.) We then skip forward a little bit lớn a point where Ryousuke has had his leg lopped off by a booby trap. They’re all frantically trying to lớn find him some help before he bleeds out.
Long story short, Kai is an asshole who is the only person I’ve ever seen in Heavenly Host who tried lớn simply leave (Mayu mentioned trying khổng lồ jump the fence behind the pool area to see if she could escape, but said she had a bad feeling it would either loop back around or she’d be lost in the darkness forever.) Spoiler Alert: We never really know what happened lớn him out there, but he comes back in a daze with his knife embedded in his chest. Tomohiro is loyal khổng lồ Ryousuke to a fault and quickly goes crazy as he tries to khuyến mãi with the situation. Yuuya is cool as a cucumber because he’s a psychopath, and Emi just kinda reacts to lớn things & screams a lot. Mitsuki và Fukuroi are the only ones separated from them.
After Kai leaves them to go out the door without the others, Yuuya and Tohko return khổng lồ where Ryousuke is being cared for only to lớn find all of them with sullen faces. Ryousuke has taken a turn for the worse and they don’t believe he’ll make it even if, by some miracle, they vị make it out & find help. They rush khổng lồ get him out anyway, hanging on lớn a sliver of hope.
Tohko tries lớn find Mitsuki real quick before they leave since she thought she heard her calling out earlier. After she fails in her quest lớn find Mitsuki, she returns to lớn the group khổng lồ find that Ryousuke has passed away from his injuries.
Later, Yuuya is revealed khổng lồ be full-on nutso as he kicks Ryousuke’s body down the stairs lớn prove that he’s actually dead to Tomohiro, who is so distraught that he refuses lớn believe Ryousuke is dead. Tomohiro accidentally breaks his arm by falling down the stairs in an attempt khổng lồ get lớn Ryousuke, và he flees from Yuuya, who is just standing by in eerie silence. Emi also runs from him, though she seemingly lies to lớn Tohko about what Yuuya did – claiming Yuuya had kicked Tomohiro down the stairs & broke his arm.
Tohko then has to lớn run from Yuuya, not believing that Yuuya did such a terrible thing, even though he also now has Kai’s bloody knife in his hands. She remains in disbelief until Yuuya starts beating her viciously with his fists. She manages khổng lồ get away, but spits out one of her teeth as a result of the assault.
…..Ugh……Yuuya finds the tooth….and spends a ridiculous amount of time slowly licking it, chewing on it và finally swallowing it…….Euehgbhghdsfkjhdksajfhdslkfjhsdakfjh. It takes a lot to lớn make me cringe & gag in horror – that did it for me. It was accompanied by gross sound effects & everything. Ugh. Why did he swallow it?! Even for a crazy person, that couldn’t have been pleasant.
Anyway, him eating the tooth is how the game ends.
No. I’m not kidding.
Well, technically, that’s how the game ends.
Before I get khổng lồ that point, my thoughts on this episode are, it’s very much okay. It was nice khổng lồ get a little more backstory on the other Byakudan students, but it wasn’t much, & the episode just kinda stops. I’d say it’s probably the third best episode behind Encounter and Demise.
However, with this being the end, I bởi vì have khổng lồ say that this trò chơi would be insanely confusing if you never played the first game. Hell, I played the first game more than once và I still ended up being confused at some points.
In regards to this being technically the final episode, there is one more episode, but it’s not only locked it’s also hidden. The episodes are in a masterlist that you select one by one when you’re starting up the game (Unless you’re starting from a save file) You unlock a new episode with the completion of a previous chapter. When Tooth is done, the các mục is complete. There are no grayed out episodes lớn unlock.
However, there is one final episode, Prologue – Blood Drive, that can be revealed and unlocked under two circumstances – either 1) you have to transfer your data from a completed Corpse các buổi tiệc nhỏ PC game (the re-re-remastered version), which I wasn’t going to do because that would mean completing the entire trò chơi again và I’ve done it more than enough on the older versions, or 2) you have khổng lồ unlock every single ending in this game, which, well, fuck that.
Did I mention that this game is more of a visual novel than it is an actual game? There are hours of text scrolls that you have to go through khổng lồ get khổng lồ the options that present these various endings. This wouldn’t be so bad if you knew you had to bởi vì this lớn get the true ending và saved at each option, but I certainly didn’t know that. Hell, I didn’t even know you could save during an option until about two & half episodes in, and I never would have known there was a hidden final episode if I wasn’t reading a Wiki.
Not to lớn mention that some endings are obtained not just through the options but also depend on whether you obtained certain items or did certain things. I know some people are completionists và would vày this anyway, but a lot of people would miss out on the true ending either because they didn’t know that episode existed or didn’t want to lớn spend hours upon hours trying khổng lồ get the endings they missed.
Granted, considering this episode is called Prologue I can imagine Blood Drive would have this be their first episode, but I don’t know yet.
Prologue – Blood Drive
lol i cheetd
Okay I didn’t ‘cheat’ but I did just look up the final episode on Youtube khổng lồ see what happens.
Even this episode doesn’t follow the storyline they were going for at the start of this trò chơi since it is building off the true ending where Naomi, Satoshi, Yuka, Yoshiki & Ayumi all survive, but they’re all still suffering because no one has any memories of those who were lost in Heavenly Host, and any evidence they even existed is either gone or distorted (IE, any photos of them that the survivors had on their phones have the faces blacked out.)
Ayumi tells Naomi that she plans on going to the Shinozaki estate, Sachiko và Yoshie’s old house, lớn see if they can find anything that would help them bring their friends back. Naomi heads there with her, but when they get to lớn the tiny quiet village they find that everyone starts acting very panicky when the Shinozaki estate is brought up. They hitch a ride with some truck driver to the estate, which is pretty far away from the main village, và the road leading there is so bad that it’s a stretch lớn even call it a road.
When they get as far as the truck driver can take them, they leave the truck, but the driver says he’ll wait for them since he doesn’t want to lớn leave two teenage girls alone here, especially since it’s getting dark.
When they arrive at the estate, they’re shocked khổng lồ see that the entire building was demolished. Nothing is left save for an old shed that, surprisingly, still has electricity. The shed contains some documents và such but nothing really that helpful to lớn their cause.
It’s now dark out, so they head back to the truck, deciding lớn come back another time and investigate more then. However, another shock awaits them at the truck – the driver is gone, but the lights are on & the truck is running. They wait around for a bit, but it doesn’t seem like the driver is coming back. They can’t get into the vehicle khổng lồ warm up & take shelter because it’s locked. They decide lớn head down the road on foot.
After a long while of walking, they’re devastated lớn find that they’ve somehow looped around back khổng lồ the truck, which makes no sense lớn them because they were heading downhill the entire time. They try again a couple of times, but each time they loop back around to lớn the truck.
At this point, two things are clear – the driver is seriously never coming back, & anyone would’ve just broken a window on the truck khổng lồ warm up, get some shelter & maybe even just take the truck back down the hill. I mean, considering what’s happening, I can bet anything that even taking the truck would just loop them around, but it’d be smart khổng lồ try.
Instead, they decide the best course of action is khổng lồ go back uphill khổng lồ the barn because there is electricity & some mats to lớn sleep on until morning. Because taking shelter in the creepy abandoned shed previously owned by two murderous ghosts is very smart.
When they arrive, they get a third surprise – the Shinozaki estate is glowing và floating in front of them. Well, I guess if they can have a ghost school a ghost house isn’t khổng lồ be questioned.
They decide lớn go in the house, which, despite being a ghost, is still corporeal. Lượt thích in Heavenly Host, everything is solid, but many of the items are secured khổng lồ the floor or tables. We get some interesting background on the Shinozaki family tree. It’s filled with women who are ‘gifted’ as in they have strong spiritual powers that are linked lớn witchcraft. It seems Ayumi is part of Sachiko’s family after all, which is why she has her own abilities khổng lồ sense ghosts và whatnot. Ayumi also remembered her sister telling her stories about witchcraft in the past which seemingly lines up with what they were reading. However, a weird fact about their family is that males are not born into it. Men typically marry into the family & then they all suddenly die after their child is born. Indeed, Sachiko’s father is not around, and all pictures of him have his face blacked out.
They’re terrified to hear foreign footsteps around the house, so they hide in a mysterious small room which houses a creepy necromonicon-esque book – you guessed it, the titular Book of Shadows.
This is the first time in the entire game that they’ve mentioned the Book of Shadows. The thing that this game is specifically named after isn’t even mentioned in the game, let alone shown, until the very end, and it’s in an episode that you might not even know exists and/or have to jump through hoops lớn unlock.
I am at a loss for words.
The Book of Shadows is some flesh-covered ancient tome that is filled with powerful spells. Ayumi is shocked the book is even in japan let alone the Shinozaki’s ghost house.
Ayumi tries khổng lồ read the book, but it’s mostly in French with some runes and whatnot peppered throughout. However, some notes on the side, supposedly written by Yoshie, are in Japanese. Ayumi reads for a bit và then, I’m not even kidding here, basically just says to lớn herself “Eh…that’s good enough. Let’s raise the dead.”
And they vày just that. They start a ritual to lớn bring their friends back khổng lồ life. All they need is a pentagram, some candles, three paper dolls lớn represent the two of them and their intended target and a photo of the deceased followed by a long, long, long spell. They decide lớn bring back Mayu first. Surprisingly, the spell works, but not really.
Like so many times with hinky witchcraft resurrections, the ‘Mayu’ they brought back isn’t really Mayu. Remember how I said any photos of the people who died in Heavenly Host had their faces blacked out? This Mayu has a blacked out face. She just kept calling for Morishige over & over until she suddenly fell khổng lồ the ground. Bright red runes started appearing all over Mayu’s toàn thân and she pretty much exploded and died again.
Before they can even process what happened, those same runes appear on Ayumi’s body. Saw blades và screwdrivers from the shed start piercing those markings in an effort lớn kill her.
The paper doll that represented Ayumi is on fire. Believing this khổng lồ be the cause of the problem, Naomi tries her best to extinguish the fire, but she’s unsuccessful. Naomi’s paper doll starts catching fire next, meaning they’re both sure khổng lồ die in mere moments. Just then, Ayumi’s sister, Hinoe, bursts in & extinguishes the flames with a special powder, saving them both, even though Ayumi is still badly wounded. (How did she even know they were there?)
Ayumi cries in her sister’s arms, & all seems well & good…..
Until Hinoe’s head explodes.
I don’t know why.
And that’s the actual end of the game, which, like I said, is really a teaser for the following game, Blood Drive.
This was a pretty good episode. And it actually was a, get this, SEQUEL khổng lồ the original game. Go figure. & no, I don’t count the time loop episodes as being sequels. They didn’t accomplish anything & they took place during the original game, technically.
Don’t get me wrong, the stories they had lớn tell here were okay for the most part, but besides Yui’s backstory & Mayu’s episode, I don’t feel lượt thích I really got much out of playing the trò chơi as a whole. There was no cohesion between the episodes, which can be fine but they went a bit too out of whack for my tastes, especially considering they’re building off a game with numerous endings và not sticking to lớn one ending lớn act as its base. Plus, they ended on a completely random note.
It just baffles me that the one episode you’d think would be necessary khổng lồ this trò chơi is actually hidden và requires a bunch of work to unlock. I’m not really angry at it, I’m just confused. This whole game confuses me.
It’s pretty standard point & click. Each room & hallway is a static screen. Your cursor turns into a reticle, & you enter into a scanning mode. In this mode, you can click on anything interactable & find key items, disable traps, read messages etc. Nearly all of the important items are marked with shining lights, making them even easier to lớn suss out. There are some minor ‘puzzles’ you have lớn solve in order khổng lồ move forward, but they’re very easy to figure out. I only got stuck twice, & even then it was just a matter of me not knowing I had khổng lồ interact with something a second time lớn get what I needed.
You move through the rooms by bringing up your maps via the center mouse button & selecting which room you want lớn travel to. Some areas are blocked off for whatever reason – locked doors, gaping holes in the floor, booby traps etc. & you either have to wait for a shift lớn occur to change the dimension in order to pass, or you have lớn find some way to lớn unlock the door, get across the gap etc.
There were two timed events near the start of the game. I really thought they’d introduce more mechanics lượt thích that or increase the time crunch as the game went on, but sadly those were the only ones in the game, and no other game mechanics were introduced. You also have an inventory, but it’s more or less pointless besides khổng lồ show you that you still hold certain items in case you’re restarting after a Wrong kết thúc or something.
In addition lớn quick saves occurring after certain events, you can also save at any time by right-clicking – and I suggest you vị this at pretty much any option screen in order lớn save yourself if you get a Wrong end or to lớn help you along if you want to get every ending.
Final Thoughts
I did enjoy myself while playing this game, but it just seems lượt thích a jumbled mess of side stories instead of being a proper sequel to the original game. While some episodes did offer interesting perspectives và fleshed out some of the more minor characters further, I didn’t really care about what was presented khổng lồ me outside of Yui’s backstory và Mayu’s episode. Most of the characters from Byakudan are pretty boring. Kai is interesting, but he’s also an asshole who really only gets one or two scenes of focus before he’s stabbed. I guess I also liked Fukuroi & Mitsuki, & they got a decent amount of focus, but it wasn’t worth the price of admission, ya know?
I’m also a bit disappointed that this is mostly a visual novel instead of being an RPG like the other games were. I can kinda forgive a lackluster story in a game if the gameplay is fun, but there really isn’t much to lớn the point & click aspect. There are some interesting notes that you can read throughout, but that’s about it. Apparently Blood Drive is in more of an RPG format, so we’ll see how I vì there.
Screencaps Courtesy of the Corpse tiệc nhỏ Fandom Community.
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The developers describe the nội dung like this:
“This title is a horror visual novel with point-and-click interaction. Contains excessive violence và gore depicted via full-screen art stills, textual descriptions, and Japanese-language voice-acting, specifically including the mutilation, torture, and murder of children. Also contains images of female anime-style characters with exposed underwear or cleavage, shown in restraints, or in one instance shown bathing together with strategically placed steam to lớn cover up private areas. Numerous examples of foul language can be found in translated text, including slurs such as "b*tch" & heavy swears such as "f*ck."”
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