The process to convert PDF lớn Excel is simple. The first step will be khổng lồ select the tệp tin you would lượt thích to process in our PDF to lớn Excel converter. You can select a PDF tệp tin to convert from PDF lớn Excel by uploading it directly from your computer, or through a cloud storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox. You can also simply drag-and-drop your PDF file into the box lớn upload. Once uploaded, our tool will begin to convert your PDF into an Excel document.

Bạn đang xem: Chuyển file pdf sang file excel online

Once convert from PDF is complete, you can access your Excel document by downloading it to lớn your computer and viewing it in your browser. You can also tải về files back lớn your computer or lớn a cloud storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox. The location you choose to tải về your tệp tin in is your choice. We can also e-mail you a links to your document, which will only be accessible for 24 hours. This liên kết will contain access to the tệp tin which you used our convert PDF to Excel tool for.

Once the process khổng lồ convert from PDF is complete with our free* tool, the format of your PDF files will be respected in the new Excel file. Blank cells will be inserted in the Excel spreadsheets to replace spaces from the PDF file. The original colors, borders, và fonts from your PDF files will remain intact once you convert PDF to lớn Excel. Your new file will not thua trận any of its original formatting. In fact, you will now be able to địa chỉ cửa hàng additional formatting and improve your newly converted document because it will be fully editable. You will be able lớn fully customize your new document to your needs.

PDF documents can not contain any mathematical formulas, while Microsoft Excel documents on the other hand can. This means that once you convert PDF to Excel, no formulas will be recreated in the generated Excel spreadsheet. Since our tool will convert all of the data from your original document into your new one, you will be able khổng lồ insert formulas into your document once it has been converted to lớn Excel. It will be as though your original document had always been an Excel document. Our free* PDF conversion tool allows you to edit your converted document khổng lồ your desire. You can địa chỉ cửa hàng elements lớn your files that are exclusive to Excel, this way you can create a document suited for your needs.

Do you miss your old PDF? Once your Excel file has been edited, you can convert it back from a Microsoft Excel document into a PDF document. There are many benefits khổng lồ converting your document back to a PDF. PDF is a universal way khổng lồ view documents, which will ensure that anyone you decide to nội dung your document with will be able khổng lồ properly view it. Convert to lớn PDF lớn make it easier to view và distribute your files. To bởi this, use our free* online Excel to PDF converter tool to lớn convert any of your Excel files back to PDF. With our free* tool it is as easy to lớn convert khổng lồ PDF files, as it is to lớn convert PDF files into many other file formats.

Did you know that you can also convert Word documents to lớn PDF, convert Power
Point documents khổng lồ PDF, convert JPG documents to lớn PDF, convert HTML to PDF, convert GIFs lớn PDF, convert TXT to lớn PDF, và convert several other file formats using our online tools?


Soda PDF shows you easy ways khổng lồ convert PDFs into Excel files, fast. You"ll learn ways to convert your files online và offline.


Use Soda PDF as a không lấy phí converter to quickly save PDFs lớn Excel spreadsheets in a few seconds. You won"t have to use your email address or download any software.


Learn how to Insert PDF Into Excel with Soda PDF. You won"t need to lớn install a converter, và you don"t have lớn register - convert your file không tính phí with Soda PDF.

File conversion finished, please download it right now. The file will be removed from our hệ thống in 30 mins, click "Delete", the tệp tin will be removed instantly.
This file is encrypted by the open password, we can"t get access lớn the content. Please enter the correct xuất hiện password, và try to lớn convert it again.
Please select a tệp tin less than trăng tròn MB. Or purchase Clever
PDF for Windows, convert larger files without limitations.
The tệp tin format you selected is not supported by this feature, please select the correct đầu vào format.
File conversion finished, please download it right now. The tệp tin will be removed from our server in 30 mins, click "Delete", the file will be removed instantly.

Xem thêm: Cung bọ cạp nam trong tình yêu của nam bọ cạp trong tình yêu


Watch video

Desktop version: 24-in-1 Clever
PDF for Windows

More powerful PDF khổng lồ Excel conversion and other 19 PDF tasks. Desktop version doesn"t require the internet Connection, tư vấn batch processing và larger files.

Watch video

Desktop version: 20-in-1 Clever
PDF for Mac

More powerful PDF to lớn Excel conversion và other 19 PDF tasks. Desktop version doesn"t require the mạng internet Connection, tư vấn batch processing và larger files.

Efficient way to lớn convert PDF to Excel (xlsx)

It takes only 3 steps to extract table from PDF to Excel, just upload your PDF file, choose the đầu ra setting & click "Start Conversion" button, Clever
PDF will bởi the rest in our servers. You can tải về the file instantly after conversion.

High-quality PDF to Excel Converter

With the advanced table detection features, Clever
PDF will detect & analyze tables in PDF accurately. Two table detection methods are available for different PDF files, select the correct option you can convert PDF lớn Excel precisely.

Secure online PDF to Excel Converter

PDF will never share your files with any parties, or store your files. The files will be forever deleted after 30 mins automatically. The online conversion via SSL connections to make sure your tệp tin is uploaded and downloaded safely.

Convert PDF khổng lồ Excel anywhere, anytime

As long as you have the internet access, you can use a website browser lớn convert PDF to lớn Excel. No matter you are using Windows, Mac or i
OS or any other operating systems or devices, you can use Clever
PDF"s free PDF tools anywhere, anytime. No sign up or membership required, all the online tools are forever free.

How lớn Convert PDF to lớn Excel Online?

Go to lớn PDF to lớn Excel page, drag the PDF khổng lồ the tệp tin area, or select tệp tin from the computer. If the tables in PDF don"t have table borders, choose "Detect table base on data structure". If the tables in PDF have clear table borders, choose "Detect table base on table borders" for better accuracy. After setting up the conversion options, click "Start conversion" button, the conversion will begin.